Ambrogio Guetta

Born in Varazze in 1953.

He took his euphonium Diploma at "N. Paganini” Conservatoire in Genoa following the lead of Conductor Piero Andreoli.

Since the beginning of the 70s he has been an active member of several Ligurian and Piedmontese musical associations.

He has been working with several orchestras and music ensembles including the “Classical Orchestra” of Alessandria, the “Spazio Musica Orchestra” of Orvieto, the "Filarmonica Sestrese Woodwind and Brass and Percussion Orchestra”, the “Symphonic Orchestra" of Savona" and the "Genoese N.S. delle Vigne Orchestra".

He's the co-founder of "Lodanensis" brass band with whom he has been playing since 1998.

From1980 - He devotes himself to teaching: now he's teacher in seven music schools.

His main job in the past four years has been the band's conducting. He's the conductor of “City of Cogoleto Band” and “Friends of Piazza Castello Band” of Masone.